Barbabela, Letícia. 2024. “A Positive Feedback Mechanism? Institutional Responsiveness to Bribery Reporting by Citizens in 12 African Countries”. Crime, Law and Social Change.  [Open Access].

Barbabela, Letícia. 2023. “Judicial Inconsistency and Citizen Anti-Corruption Demobilization: Evidence from Brazil.” Government and Opposition, 1-20. [Open Access].

Kincaid, Harold, Miquel Pellicer, and Eva Wegner. 2023. “Philosophy of Science Issues in Clientelism Research.” In The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Political Science, edited by Harold Kincaid and Jeroen Van Bouwel, 395–418. Oxford University Press.

Pellicer, Miquel, and Vimal Ranchhod. 2023. “Understanding the Effects of Racial Classification in Apartheid South Africa.Journal of Development Economics 160 (January): 102998.

Pellicer, Miquel, Eva Wegner, Markus Bayer, and Christian Tischmeyer. 2022. “Clientelism from the Client’s Perspective: A Meta-Analysis of Ethnographic Literature.Perspectives on Politics 20 (3): 931–47.

Wegner, Eva, Miquel Pellicer, Markus Bayer, and Christian Tischmeyer. 2022. “Citizen Assessments of Clientelistic Practices in South Africa.Third World Quarterly 43 (10): 2467–87.

Barbabela, Letícia, Miquel Pellicer, and Eva Wegner. 2022. “Court Performance and Citizen Attitudes toward Fighting Corruption.Governance 35 (3): 717–35.

Pellicer, Miquel, Ragui Assaad, Caroline Krafft, and Colette Salemi. 2022. “Grievances or Skills? The Effect of Education on Youth Political Participation in Egypt and Tunisia.International Political Science Review 43 (2): 191–208.

De Juan, Alexander, Carlo Koos, Miquel Pellicer, and Eva Wegner. 2022. “Can Reconstruction Programmes Improve Political Perceptions in Conflict Contexts? Evidence from Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.South African Journal of Economics 90 (4): 427–55.

Pellicer, Miquel, Eva Wegner, and Alexander De Juan. 2021. “Preferences for the Scope of Protests.Political Research Quarterly 74 (2): 288–301.

Pellicer, Miquel, Eva Wegner, Lindsay J. Benstead, and Ellen Lust. 2021. “Poor People’s Beliefs and the Dynamics of Clientelism.Journal of Theoretical Politics 33 (3): 300–332.

De Juan, Alexander, and Eva Wegner. 2019. “Social Inequality, State-Centered Grievances, and Protest: Evidence from South Africa.Journal of Conflict Resolution 63 (1): 31–58.

Chelwa, Grieve, Miquel Pellicer, and Mashekwa Maboshe. 2019. “Teacher Pay and Educational Outcomes: Evidence from the Rural Hardship Allowance in Zambia.South African Journal of Economics 87 (3): 255–82.

Pellicer, Miquel, Patrizio Piraino, and Eva Wegner. 2019. “Perceptions of Inevitability and Demand for Redistribution: Evidence from a Survey Experiment.Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 159 (March): 274–88.

Pellicer, Miquel, and Patrizio Piraino. 2019. “The Effect of Nonpersonnel Resources on Educational Outcomes: Evidence from South Africa.Economic Development and Cultural Change 67 (4): 907–34.

Wegner, Eva, and Francesco Cavatorta. 2019. “Revisiting the Islamist–Secular Divide: Parties and Voters in the Arab World.International Political Science Review 40 (4): 558–75.

Wegner, Eva. 2018. “Local-Level Accountability in a Dominant Party System.Government and Opposition 53 (1): 51–75.

Pellicer, Miquel, and Vimal Ranchhod. 2016. “Inequality Traps and Human-Capital Accumulation in South Africa.” In Towards Employment-Intensive Growth in South Africa, edited by Anthony Black, 128–55. UCT Press.

Pellicer, Miquel, and Eva Wegner. 2015. “The Justice and Development Party in Moroccan Local Politics.The Middle East Journal 69 (1): 32–50.

Pellicer, Miquel, Eva Wegner, and Francesco Cavatorta. 2015. “Is There Strength in Numbers?Middle East Law and Governance 7 (1): 153–68.

Pellicer, Miquel, and Eva Wegner. 2014a. “Socio-Economic Voter Profile and Motives for Islamist Support in Morocco.Party Politics 20 (1): 116–33.

Pellicer, Miquel, and Eva Wegner. 2014b. “The Mechanical and Psychological Effects of Legal Thresholds.Electoral Studies 33 (March): 258–66.

Pekkarinen, Tuomas, and Miquel Pellicer. 2013. “Education and Allocation of Skills in Tunisia: Evidence from an Education Reform.IZA Journal of Labor & Development 2 (1): 14.

Pellicer, Miquel, and Eva Wegner. 2013. “Electoral Rules and Clientelistic Parties: A Regression Discontinuity Approach.Quarterly Journal of Political Science 8 (4): 339–71.

Pellicer, Miquel, Vimal Ranchhod, Mare Sarr, and Eva Wegner. 2011. “Inequality Traps in South Africa: An Overview and Research Agenda.Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit Working Paper (57). UCT Press.

Wegner, Eva. 2011. Islamist Opposition in Authoritarian Regimes: The Party of Justice and Development in Morocco. 1st ed. Religion and Politics. Syracuse, N.Y: Syracuse University Press.

Wegner, Eva and Miquel Pellicer. 2011. “Left–Islamist Opposition Cooperation in Morocco.British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 38 (3): 303–22.

Pellicer, Miquel. 2009. “Inequality Persistence through Vertical vs. Horizontal Coalitions.Journal of Development Economics 90 (2): 258–66.

Pellicer, Miquel, and Eva Wegner. 2009. “Altruism and Its Limits: The Role of Civil and Political Rights for American and French Aid towards the Middle East and North Africa.The Journal of North African Studies 14 (1): 109–21.

Wegner, Eva, and Miquel Pellicer. 2009. “Islamist Moderation without Democratization: The Coming of Age of the Moroccan Party of Justice and Development?Democratization 16 (1): 157–75.

Wegner, Eva. 2007. “Islamist Inclusion and Regime Persistence.” In Debating Arab Authoritarianism: Dynamics and Durability in Nondemocratic Regimes, edited by Oliver Schlumberger, 75–89. Standord: Stanford University Press.

Albrecht, Holger, and Eva Wegner. 2006. “Autocrats and Islamists: Contenders and Containment in Egypt and Morocco.The Journal of North African Studies 11 (2): 123–41.